Planning and Development

Fingal Coastal Liaison Group

The Fingal Coastal Liaison Group was established in 2016 in response to:

  • The ongoing concerns in relation to Coastal Erosion/Coastal Flooding in Fingal.
  • A need for a Coherent Structured Response to address these concerns and to improve communication between relevant stakeholders.
  • To provide a forum for discussion of approaches to planning for and dealing with the problems of Coastal Erosion/Flooding.


Membership of the Coastal Liaison Group

The Coastal Liaison Group is made up of County Councillors, Council Officials and community members from each of the affected areas which are Rush (North Beach and South Beach), Portrane and Sutton.

Terms of Reference for the Coastal Liaison Group

  • To discuss and as far as possible address any matters of concern to the communities living in Rush, Portrane and Sutton in relation to coastal erosion and coastal flooding in these areas.
  • To review and make recommendations in relation to the management of coastal erosion and coastal flooding in Fingal.
  • Facilitate broader community participation in coastal, and natural resource management through informing and liaising with member community groups.
  • Foster opportunities for joint projects, information sharing and grant funding to address issues of concern in relation to coastal management.
  • Provide best practice advice in accordance with the provisions of the Fingal Development Plan and other relevant policy documents in the context of integrated planning and management of the Fingal coastline.
  • Incorporate the latest knowledge of climate change into coastal planning to assist the Council with the integration of adaptation strategies into planning policies.
  • Review scientific advice and integrate this knowledge into the preparation and review of coastal management plans.

Fingal Coastal Liaison Group - Documentation Meeting 1 - 27th Oct 2016
Fingal Coastal Liaison Group - Documentation Meeting 2 - 10th Jan 2017
Fingal Coastal Liaison Group - Documentation Meeting 3 - 22nd February 2017
Fingal Coastal Liaison Group - Minutes Meeting 4 - 22nd March 2017
Fingal Coastal Liaison Group - Minutes Meeting 5 - 31st May 2017
Fingal Coastal Liaison Group - Minutes Meeting 6 _30th August 2017
Fingal Coastal Liaison Group - Minutes Meeting 7 - 8th November 2017
Fingal Coastal Liaison Group - Minutes Meeting 8 - 21st February 2018
Fingal Coastal Liaison Group - Special Meeting - 21st March 2018
Fingal Coastal Liaison Group - Minutes Meeting 9 - 23rd May 2018
Fingal Coastal Liaison Group - Minutes Meeting 10 - 25th July 2018
Fingal Coastal Liaison Group - Minutes Meeting 12 - 24th October 2018
Fingal Coastal Liaison Group - Minutes Meeting 13 - 19th December 2018

Fingal Coastal Liaison Group - Minutes Meeting 14 - 17th April 2019

Fingal Coastal Liaison Group - Minutes Meeting 15 - 26th June 2019

Fingal Coastal Liaison Group - Minutes Meeting 16 - 11th September 2019

Miscellaneous Reports

Coastal Communities Adapting Together (CCAT) Report

Local Authority Coastal Erosion Policy and Practice Audit - Final.pdf

Coastal Erosion Risk Assessment Portrane

Hard Defence Options for Portrane

Portrane Report Appendices

Sand and Marram Source Study The Burrow Portrane

Survey of Sand Dune Habitats Portrane

Dublin Coastal Flooding Protection Project Report Royal Haskoning 

Temporary Emergency Measures at The Burrow Beach Portrane October 2018

Appendix A - Erosion & Climate Assessment Report
Appendix B - Location & Arrangement of Seabee Units
Appendix C - Access & Egress Route Along the Beach
Coastal Process at the Burrow - Erosion & Climate Assessment Report
AA Screening Report
Response to AA Screening for Interim Temporary Erosion Protection Works
Drawing 5717 - Location of Emergency Coastal Protection Measures

Non Statutory Consultation for Coastal Defence Proposals for Rogerstown Outer Estuary

Chief Executive's Report on Non Statutory Consultation re Coastal Defence Proposals for Rogerstown Outer Estuary

FAQ Document on Rogerstown Outer Estuary Coastal Defence Proposals