Fingal County Council’s Environmental Educational Officer works on Environmental Awareness Programmes in Fingal. These include Biodiversity, Green Schools, Support to Tidy Towns and community initiatives, the Anti-Litter and Anti-Graffiti Fund, Litter, Green Dog Walker and Adopt a Patch, Stop Food Waste, Community Leaf-Mould Composting and the Fingal Instruments Project (Waste Prevention). Climate Change engagement is also part of the Environmental Awareness Programme.
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Replay Instruments Project
The Fingal Replay Instruments Project demonstrates Waste Prevention and ReUse whereby we clean and repair musical instruments presented at our Recycling Centres (Swords Estuary and Coolmine).

Environmental Programmes for Schools
Taking part in the Green Schools Programme and don’t know where to begin? Or looking for workshops for students on environmental themes? Check out Fingal’s Environmental Schools programme here. Full of resources and FREE workshops for schools to avail of!

Graffiti vandalism harms our public spaces and diminishes the beauty of our community. Fingal County Council is committed to maintaining a clean and welcoming environment for all. We encourage residents to report graffiti so it can be promptly removed, helping us preserve the character and pride of our neighborhoods. Together, we can keep Fingal beautiful. Find out more here.

Shore to the Sea
Find our more about the Fingal’s newest community campaign, Shore to the Sea- The Sea Starts here!

Leaf Mould Composting for Community Groups
Wondering what to do with all of those autumn leaves? Do you want to make a lovely weed free compost for use within your community? Are you ready to turn a waste into a resource to combat climate change? Check out our free Leaf Mould Composting project here.

Litter and Dog Fouling Campaign Resources
We have produced a media pack containing images, video and an animated GIF on how you can be a better friend to your environment.

Greener Communities
View information and material for environmental awareness in your community

Environmental Awareness Newsletter
Stay informed about local environmental initiatives by signing up for our Environmental Awareness Newsletter. Get updates on sustainability projects, events and tips to help protect the environment in your community.

Sustainable Living
Looking to celebrate a more sustainable Halloween? Check here for some ideas and fun activities for young people!

Anti-Litter Anti-Graffiti Grant 2024
This grant funds projects to address litter and graffiti in Fingal