Strategic Policy Committees
The statutory basis for Strategic Policy Committee’s (SPC’s) is set out in the Local Government Act, 2001 (Section 48) as amended by Section 41 of the Local Government Reform Act 2014.
It is the task of the Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs), as committees of the council, to advise and assist the council in the formulation, development and review of policy.
Membership includes elected councillors, representatives of business, farming interests, environmental/conservation groups, trade unions and community and voluntary members.
Draft Strategic Policy Committee Scheme 2024-2029
Fingal County Council has approved a Draft Strategic Policy Committee (SPC) Scheme which can be viewed below and which will establish 7 new Strategic Policy Committees as follows:
- Climate Action, Biodiversity and the Environment SPC
- Community, Sports and Culture SPC
- Economic, Enterprise & Tourism Development SPC
- Housing SPC
- Planning, Strategic Transport and Infrastructure Development SPC
- Public Realm, Transportation/Mobility Management SPC
- Marine & Coastal Management SPC
Membership of the Strategic Policy Committees is drawn from the 40 Elected Members and a total of 22 additional nominees from external sectoral groupings representing the following sectors:
- Agriculture/Farming
- Environment/Conservation
- Development/Construction
- Business/Commercial
- Trade Union.
- Community/Voluntary
- Social Inclusion
The draft SPC Scheme has been circulated to the above sectoral groupings for consultation.
Details of the national pillars from which representation is drawn are included in the Draft SPC Scheme. The national coordinators facilitate the nomination process for representatives of local organisations active in the County.
Submissions in relation to the Draft SPC Scheme are now invited and should be submitted before 12 noon on Monday 19th August 2024 either
- via the Council’s Online Consultation Portal which is accessible at or
- in writing to Senior Executive Officer, Corporate Services, Fingal County Council, County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co Dublin.
Draft Strategic Policy Committee Scheme 2024-2029