Three: Cycling

For the family that considers walking a little too tame, Fingal offers a range of cycling options incorporating greenways and roadways, from sea level to hilltops.
Fingal County Council has an ambitious programme of greenway development already underway with several long stretches completed providing cycle paths for all the family. The most recently completed section from Portmarnock to Baldoyle provides 2 kms of route through the racecourse park along the varied coastline.
The more experienced cyclists can take on the challenge of Howth head, a gruelling climb up either side of the peninsula is rewarded with spectacular views of the Irish Sea and an easy downhill return route finishing in either Howth village or Sutton cross.
Cyclists seeking a more inland route might take to the royal canal path through Dublin 15, enjoying the tranquillity of the waterway while imagining how busy the towpath would have been during the height of canal popularity.