Balcarrick Beach
Balcarrick beach is in Donabate. It’s a 20-minute walk from the village.
53.478117245171, -6.1160612441163
Trip Information
Balcarrick Beach is a long sandy beach, 3.4 km's long. It has a large area filled with sandy dunes and rock pools. The route for the coastal walk from Donabate to Portrane is displayed on boards at the Tower Bay Car Park and the Beach Car Park, Donabate.
Getting There
The main access point to the beach is at its northern end in the vicinity of the Waterside Hotel.
By bus
Get the 33B to Donabate village. It’s about a 20 minute walk from the bus stop to the beach. Check Dublin Bus for the timetable.
By train
Get the train to Donabate village. It’s about a 20 minute walk from the bus stop to the beach. Check Irish Rail for timetables and service updates.
By car
See the google map at the end of this page.
Public car park
Public toilets (summer months only)
Lifeguard information
There’s a red or yellow flag flying from the lifeguard station when a lifeguard is on duty. A lifeguard is only on duty in summer months from 11am to 7pm as follows;
Saturday and Sunday during June
everyday during July and August
The Sand Dunes
The sand dunes on Balcarrick beach are an important natural feature. They are sensitive and we want to preserve them. To avoid harming them, please avoid walking and playing on the dunes and the surrounding grass.
The Rock Pools
When the tide is out, there are lots of interesting creatures to see in the rock pools. As the rocks can be slippy, please be careful.
Bathing Water Quality
Balcarrick Beach is an identified beach under the Bathing Water Quality Regulations 2008 (SI No. 79 of 2008). The water quality is monitored regularly from mid-June to mid-September every year. Water quality results are available on the beach noticeboard and on the EPA website www.splash.epa.ie.
Any water quality issues at our beaches are reported on our Water Pollution Incidents section. We also place notices at the beach, and you can also find the incident report at www.splash.epa.ie .