Operations FAQs


There are only a very small number of permanent designated sites for trading - three of which are outside burial grounds designated for the selling of flowers.  There are no other designated sites in the County for year-round trading.


Fingal County Council allows supplementary trading at nominated beaches during the summer bathing season (i.e June to Sept) only - usually for ice-cream and hot food.


These sites are allocated by public lottery and applications are submitted by traders around March/April each year and details of same are advertised on the Fingal County Council website early in the year with the relevant application form. 


No other casual trading is permitted at any time on public lands.   


You can find details of the Beach Trading Concession including costs (when timing is appropriate) on www.fingalcoco.ie/business-and-economy/licenses-and-permits/

Under the Roads Act, it prohibits the placement of any obstruction on a public road/footpath which has the potential to obstruct or interfere with the safe use of a public road/footpath. The person who places the structure is legally liable for any accidents and/or claims arising from the placement of any unauthorised item on a public road/footpath.

Click here to visit our Advertising Signage page.


Please contact   [email protected] " rel="nofollow"> [email protected] or your local Councillor. The Traffic Section will carry out a survey to ascertain the extent of speeding, and, driver behaviour in the area.  Any traffic management measures deemed necessary by the Traffic Section will be put forward for consideration in next year’s programme of works.

Please contact the relevant operational area at: Balbriggan/Swords:    [email protected]  , Howth/Malahide:   [email protected]  , or Castleknock/Mulhuddart:    [email protected]or your local Councillor. The Road will be considered for inclusion as part of the next round of speed limit reviews in Fingal County Council

Fingal County Council does not approve the use of traffic mirrors on the public road as they are deemed a Traffic hazard to road users. They can affect drivers’ visibility because they reflect headlamps or sunshine dazzling the driver at night, or times of the day.


Any traffic mirrors erected on the public road will be removed and the costs incurred recharged to the person(s) responsible for the installation.

Centre line markings are not provided on narrow rural roads as over-running and undermining of the carriageway edge can occur creating maintenance issues.  Drivers may expect a road marked with a centre line to be wide enough for opposing lanes of traffic to pass.  Therefore, it is not the policy of Traffic Operations to provided lining on narrow roads.

It is not Fingal County Council policy to install Double Yellow Lines in housing estates with low speeds and no through traffic outside of pay and display zones.  

The placing of slow markings at a small cul-de-sac residential development, will have little impact on driver behaviour as drivers are already aware of their surroundings.  Traffic Section Policy is consistent in this regard to the above throughout Fingal County.

Fingal County Council does not provide resident only parking signs on public roads in residential areas.  Resident only parking is very difficult to enforce.

An Garda Síochána has powers of enforcement on illegal parking issues.

Fingal County Council has taken measures to restrict access to parks and open spaces where feasible with the installation of kissing gates, bollards and boulders at various locations.  It is not practical in certain circumstances to close off access points as this would restrict access for Emergency Services, disabled people or people with prams.

Fingal County Council and the other Dublin Local Authorities have been involved in a joint public awareness campaign highlighting the dangers quad bikes and scramblers pose to children, and to urge parents not to gift them.

Please contact   [email protected] or your local Councillor. Bollards are assessed in each location as a requirement to be set back a min distance from the edge of the footpath therefore it may cause a hazard for pedestrians, wheelchair users and buggies/prams using the footpath. 

Please contact   [email protected] or your local Councillor. The traffic section will examine the junction in question to determine the extent of queuing at the junction and any lining requirements will be added to the signing and lining programme of works.

Please contact   [email protected] or your local Councillor. The traffic section will examine the location in question and any signing requirements will be added to the signing and Lining programme of works. 

Please contact   [email protected] or your local Councillor. The traffic Section will assess the area about its suitability and existing disabled by provision. The Irish Wheelchair Association is the body with responsibility for managing and issuing Disabled Parking badges/permits.


For private residents the introduction of a disabled bay is subject to the submittal of a blue badge. It is not the policy of Traffic Operations to provide a disabled parking bay where a private driveway and dropped kerb are present.


A written application must be made to Fingal County Council with a copy of an official Disabled Parking Pass for road marking request.  It requires the approval of the Garda Síochana and our Traffic Engineer. 

Please contact   r%[email protected] " rel="nofollow"> [email protected] or your local Councillor.  A survey will be undertaken by the Traffic Section to determine the extent of pedestrian movements at the location. If a warrant is established the traffic section will put the location forward for consideration in next year’s programme of works. It should be noted that due to budgetary constraints the amount of funding available for signal installation is limited and there are several locations currently seeking funding.

Please contact   [email protected] or your local Councillor. The area will be inspected and if deemed necessary will be listed for consideration as part of a future Programme of Works within Fingal County Council. 

Please contact the relevant operational area at: Balbriggan/Swords:    [email protected]  ,Howth/Malahide:   [email protected]  , or Castleknock/Mulhuddart:    [email protected]  or log the issue on https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/106e9c9c62094a79a9a21599dfacd920. the footpath will be inspected, and any necessary remedial works will be listed on the next programme of works. 

The applicant (householder) must apply for a Road Opening License and engage and finance a contractor to carry out the works. This can be done with a paper application or through the Road Management Office’s online system, for which registration information can be found on the RMO’s website (http://www.rmo.ie/). The engineers for the area then assess the application and attach conditions to be followed by any contractors, including reinstatement conditions for the duration of the works. A bond is paid prior to the granting of the license which is partially refunded in the case that the reinstatement conditions have been met.

Fingal County Council does not collect data from the cameras as they do not record. They are for a live feed only and are only for use by the traffic section in the Operations Department.

The Operations Department maintains all roads under Fingal County Council’s control.  https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/106e9c9c62094a79a9a21599dfacd920  is an online service used by the Council which allows you to report non-emergency issues regarding roads or alternatively  the relevant operational area at: Balbriggan/Swords:    [email protected]  ,Howth/Malahide:   [email protected]  , or Castleknock/Mulhuddart:    [email protected]  .

If you live in an area of Fingal that has a Pay and Display and Permit Parking Scheme, contact us at [email protected]   to apply for or renew a Resident’s Parking Permit, apply for a parking permit for people who visit you, apply for a parking permit for someone who provides care services to you. You can also change the vehicle details on your permit.

Please contact the relevant operational area at: Balbriggan/Swords:  [email protected] , Howth/Malahide:  [email protected] , or Castleknock/Mulhuddart:   [email protected]  or log onto https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/106e9c9c62094a79a9a21599dfacd920. 




Please contact the relevant operational area at: Balbriggan/Swords:    [email protected]  , Howth/Malahide:   [email protected]  , or Castleknock/Mulhuddart:    [email protected]  or log onto  https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/106e9c9c62094a79a9a21599dfacd920. 

Yes there are but unfortunately, they are extremely expensive to use.

To treat all footpaths with the road spreader is not practicable due to parked vehicles and the danger of pedestrians being struck with salt grains. Treatment by hand or machine would prove to be too costly, uneconomical and is resource-intensive.                            

Click here for our Roads and Transportation page.


Hedges can only be cut between 01st September and end February each year. You should not cut hedges during the bird-nesting season 01st March and 31st August. With certain exemptions e.g. for reasons of health and safety.

Complaints about cutting hedgerows should be referred to the National Parks and Wildlife Service and/or An Garda Síochána.

Complaints in relation to hedgerows (and trees) impacting on traffic safety should be directed to the Roads Section of the Council.  Please contact [email protected] , [email protected] , C%61%73%4d%[email protected] " rel="nofollow"> [email protected]

The tree will be examined by our Operations department and if a tree is deemed to be healthy it will be protected.  No tree will be felled or pruned without good reason and Fingal County Council will discourage any felling or pruning that is unnecessary. Please contact [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]

Owners/Occupiers can legally cut back any branches/vegetation that overhangs your property to your boundary wall.


Fingal County Council manages its street Tree Population via the agreed Fingal Tree Policy.  As part of the policy all street trees are surveyed on a regular basis.  The Operations Departments responsible for the maintenance of street trees and repair of public footpaths.   If you have any concerns Please contact [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]

Stump Grinding is carried out up to four times a year, stump grinding is carried out where there a feasible number of stumps to justify bringing in a contractor.  Please contact [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]

Click here for our Tree Management Strategy.


Fingal County Council manages approximately 900 individual allotment plots at four different sites throughout the County.  Three of the sites are in the North County at Turvey in Donabate, Skerries and Balbriggan. The fourth site is located at Powerstown, close to Mulhuddart in the Dublin 15 area.


There are three different plot sizes available to rent: 

50sqm – cost per year €50 

100sqm – cost per year €100

200sqm – cost per year €200 (the 200sqm plots are only available at our Balbriggan and Turvey sites).  


There is an active Allotment Committee operating at each allotment site.  These committees represent and promote the interests of the plot holders.  All plot holders are required to become members of their Allotment Association.  The annual cost of joining is €10.  This single €10 fee applies regardless of the number of plots rented by an individual.  Fingal County Council works very closely with the Allotment Committees in dealing with any issues that may arise.

The renewal period for each year runs from 1st January to 31st January.

In early December Fingal County Council write to each plot holder asking them whether they wish to renew their allotment plot for the coming year. 

Those who wish to renew must:

Complete the AL2- Allotment Renewal Form‌

Complete the blank Licence Agreement 

Telephone the Cash Office and make the relevant payment for the plot (including the €10 Allotment Association Fee).

Return the completed forms along with proof of payment to this office before the closing date. 

Applications for plots are allocated on an annual basis. The period to apply for an allotment runs from 1st January to 31st January each year.

Those who wish to apply for a plot or existing plot holders who wish to apply for a second or subsequent plot must:

Complete the AL1 - Allotment Application Form from 2020 (Appendix 4)

Return the completed form to this office before the closing date.

Fingal County Council then writes to all new applicants once the letting period has closed (Appendix 5).

The Council allocates plots on a first-come, first-served basis.  

Please contact [email protected] .  

An allotment can provide: -

A good source of affordable food – you know the origins of 

You can grow your own fresh fruit, vegetables and flowers

Working an allotment is a healthy physical recreation for all age groups 

Social outlet – People from all age groups and a wide variety of social backgrounds use the allotments and they all learn from each other through gardening together

Allotments have an educational value – several schools and educational groups have allotments

 Once you have been allocated an allotment you can continue to renew your Licence Agreement annually, however, if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions, your Licence Agreement may be terminated, and your plot re-let.

 The allotment sites have a range of facilities including fencing and gates, piped water supplies, toilets, car parking and storage containers.

Structures including Sheds, Polytunnels and Glasshouses are permitted on allotment sites, subject to conditions.

No, bonfires are not permitted

 Children are allowed on the allotment, but they must be supervised and not cause a nuisance to other plot holders.

 You can have relatives or friends in to assist with working your allotment, however, the allotment cannot be sublet to anyone.

It is not illegal to use Roundup and is widely available in shops and hardware stores.  Fingal County Council mainly use a vinegar mix Herbicide, applied using a control applicator, which is safe to use near animals.

Click here for our Allotments Management page.

Parks, Open Spaces, Playing Pitches, Heritage Properties

Pitches are inspected every Friday morning and a report will be published on the Councils website on this link https://www.fingal.ie/playability-pitches

In recent years Fingal County Council have moved away from memorial benches as we have seen over the years the benches are being vandalised and can be upsetting to the family to see a dedication of such a bench being defaced and vandalised.

Fingal County Council can offer the opportunity to plant a tree in one of our Heritage parks.  The cost of each tree is €100 and Fingal County Council will oversee the planting and maintenance of a tree.  Please contact [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]

Grass cutting on open /green spaces on a three-week cycle.  Fingal Sports pitches are cut weekly. Fingal does not remove grass cuttings as it is used for returning valuable nutrients back into the soil.

Here’s how it works:

You choose a public area to adopt and clean-up by collecting litter, maintaining flower beds or even painting walls. The Council will provide support in the form of hi-vis vests, litter pickers, gloves, bags and outdoor paint. We will collect the bags of litter after your clean-up, unfortunately though, we can’t collect green waste.

This scheme works very successfully in Fingal with groups adopting stretches of roadway, parts of beaches, bottle banks and litter blackspots.

In your ‘Adopt a Patch’ please retain any existing habitats such as ivy and wild flowers for use by pollinating insects.

Important actions include the following: -

Less mowing

Less Spraying

Plant more pollen-rich flowers

Download a registration form here:  Adopt a Patch Registration Form

Requests for filming in the administrative area of Fingal County Council

Filming will be permitted in the administrative area of Fingal with the consent of the Council and subject to the terms, conditions and associated fees.

All requests for filming must be submitted in writing 10 days in advance.


Public Liability Insurance to the value of €6.5million indemnifying the Council is required.

Students from an accredited college, requesting to film for projects etc., must submit a copy of the Colleges Public Liability Insurance indemnifying the Council.  There shall be no charge for actual filming. 


Fees are as follows based on €120 per hour:-

Half Day Fee (4 hours) €480

Full Day (up to 7 hours) €840


For prolonged uses, which involve specific arrangements, the charges may be subject to negotiation including the payment of any overtime costs incurred by FCC staff.

All fees must be lodged prior to filming. Cheques should be made payable to Fingal County Council and forwarded to Balbriggan/Swords Operations Division, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.

Exceptions to Fees:

No fee will be levied for filming which is of a cultural or documentary nature

No fee will be levied for filming by students from an accredited college

Please contact [email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]

Swords Town Park, Orlynn Park, Lusk, Skerries Town Park, Balrothery Open space

Contact us:

Tel: (01) 890 5596, Email: [email protected]


Baltray Park, Sutton, Seagrange Park, Sutton, Holywell Park, Contact details for Trackside Lawn Tennis Club, Baldoyle: https://sites.google.com/site/tracksideltc/

Contact us:

Tel: (01) 890 6260 Email: [email protected]


Maple Estate, Carpenterstown,  Riverwood  

Contact us:

Tel: (01) 890 4599

Email: [email protected]


The courts are managed by local clubs on behalf of the Council. Some local clubs have their own Website, click on link above.

Ardgillan Castle

Malahide Demense

Millennium park

Newbridge Demesne

Santry Regional Park

St Catherines Park


Dublin 15


Beech park

Corduff Park




Mulhuddart Community Centre


Park View Boulevard

Parnell Estate

Porterstown Park


Sutton Strand


Waterville Park



Malahide/Howth area

Bayside Park

Gracey O’Malley

Holywell View

Holywell Green

Howth HARBOUR/Promenade


PSLC Portmarnock

Race Course Park

Robswall park



St Annes Portmarnock


Kettles Lane

Coopers Wood

Sutton Strand/Creek



Balbriggan Martello Tower Park

Balbriggan – Millpond Park




Banstand (to be taken in charge 2020)


Boromine Cherry

Boru Court

Brackenstown Road

Bremore pastures

Dun Emer

Dun Slainte

Glebe Park, Balrothery

Harbour Park




Rathingle Estate

Red Island

Ridgewood Cedar Park


Kenure Woods Rush


St Catherines

Swords town park



The Playgrounds in the demesnes are open in line with park opening hrs (or normally close 30mins prior to park closing)

Other playgrounds are open 24 hrs.

All our playgrounds have various universal access play equipment. The most recently opened playgrounds (Harbour Park Rush, Bath Rd Balbriggan, Glebe Park Balrothery) would have a larger amount of accessible play pieces. As all the playgrounds are being refurbished the ethos of universal access and natural play guides the design brief.

All Drones must be registered in mandatory in accordance with the Small Unmanned Aircraft (Drones) and Rockets Order S.I.563 or 2015.  All drones over 1kg must be registered with the Irish Aviation Authority HTTPS://WW.IAA.IE/GENERAL-AVIATION/DRONES.  Restrictions may apply.

All productions /filming should provide Fingal County Council evidence of insurance indemnifying Fingal County Council.  Please contact [email protected] , [email protected] , Casmul%[email protected] " rel="nofollow"> [email protected]

Metal Detectors cannot be used without permission

Family pass is €85 (FCC Staff €10 discount).

Click here for our Parks, Beaches and Open Spaces page.

Public Lighting

Please Contact p%75b%6cic%6cightin%[email protected] " rel="nofollow"> [email protected] or register on  https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/106e9c9c62094a79a9a21599dfacd920. 



When reporting the fault the following information should be provided.

The town/village/estate or street name.

The number on the pole (generally identified in black located on a white background above eye level on the pole).

The location of the light (for example, outside house number 5).

Your name and contact number.

Pest Control

HSE Pest Control provides a voluntary courtesy service to the public or the owner occupier of premises for rats only. HSE Pest Control does not treat apartments of any properties that pay management fees.  The management or maintenance company are responsible for pest control treatment to these properties.  HSE Pest Control can be contacted on 01 -8605860

flags at beaches

35 Lifeguards work on our 10 designated bathing areas (13 lifeguard stations in total Lifeguards work on weekends and the Bank Holiday only in June and full time (Monday to Sunday) for July and August and again weekends only in September (if applicable). Their hours of work are 11am to 7pm each day.

Lifeguards must possess a current, valid Beach Lifeguard Certificate. 


There are 13 lifeguard stations at the following locations:




Rush North

Rush South

Portrane, The Brook

Donabate, Balcarrick


Portmarnock I

Portmarnock II

Portmarnock III

Sutton, The Burrow

Howth, Claremont

The Council may designate areas of the beach and periods of time outside of the reserved bathing areas, where people are allowed surf, windsurf, kite-surf, sail, canoe and kayak.

The following beaches may be used for the above activities - Portmarnock, Donabate, Portrane, Rush (N & S), Skerries (S), Balbriggan and Loughshinny beaches. Claremont, Howth and Burrow Road, Sutton may only be used for canoeing and kayaking .


The Council may also designate beach/beaches, outside of the reserved bathing areas, and periods of time, outside of the bathing season, which are suitable for kite-karting.

These bye-laws do not apply to any of the above activities engaged in more than 200 metres off shore.

Every person surfing, windsurfing, kite-surfing, kite-karting or land-yachting on the beach/ foreshore area shall be responsible and liable for any damage or injury to property or persons which may be caused by it.


Anyone who wishes to use a jet-ski, water-ski or boat on lakes or waterways must apply to the council for a permit.

Jet Ski Powerboat Byelaws Howth Portmarnock Map

Jet Ski Powerboat Byelaws Malahide Donabate Map

Jet Ski Powerboat Byelaws Portrane Rush Loughshinny Map

Jet Ski Powerboat Byelaws Skerries Balbriggan Map

ByeLaws Regulating Recreational Craft 2006

During the period 1st June to 31st August in any year persons shall be allowed bring a dog onto, or allow a dog under his or her control to remain on the beach/foreshore (i) under adequate personal control, before the hours of 11.00am and after the hours of 6.00pm (ii) to be on a leash in all Reserved Bathing Areas between the hours of 11.00am and 6.00pm. You can bring dogs on a beach/foreshore all other days any time of the day during the months of: January, February, March, April, May, September, October, November, & December. If you bring your dog to the beach you shall ensure the following:- • It is on a leash or under adequate control; • It is not causing annoyance to any person using the beach or worrying, chasing, injuring or disturbing any animals, birds or other creatures on the beach/foreshore; • Removal of its faeces and depositing it in a litter bin. (Guide dogs for the blind are exempt from this bye-law as also are dogs kept by An Garda Síochána and wholly used by a member of An Garda Síochána in the execution of his/her duty). Every person bringing a dog onto the beach/foreshore area shall be responsible and liable for any damage or injury to property or persons which may be caused by it.

You can ride a horse/pony on a beach/foreshore during the period 1st of June to 31st August in any year before the hours of 11.00am and after the hours of 8.00pm.


You are permitted to bring horses on a beach/foreshore all other days any time of the day during the months of:

January, February, March, April, May, September, October, November, & December, Except on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays – between the hours of 11.00am and 8.00pm. 


People in charge of a horse/pony on a beach/foreshore shall ensure the following:- • It is under adequate control; • It is not causing annoyance to any person using the beach/foreshore or worrying, chasing, injuring or disturbing any animals, birds or other creatures on the beach; • Removal of its faeces and depositing it in a litter bins.

• Horse-riding takes place below mean high water mark, except for the purposes of obtaining access to or egress from the beach/foreshore.

• Horses are prohibited in Special Areas of Conservation and Special Protected Areas’ except where bridle paths are provided.

• Horse Polo Practice is not permitted without the consent of the Council.

Remove yourself from the water / vicinity of the jellyfish.  Seek help and advice from lifeguards if you are on a lifeguarded beach. Try to carefully remove any attached tentacles by flushing the sting area with sea water, removing tentacles with gloved hands, clean stick, tweezers, or scraping gently with the edge of a credit card. Don’t try to rub them off.

Mild symptoms of pain and swelling can be treated with simple painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen.  Mild itching at the sting site may respond to anti-histamine creams. Soaking the affected area in hot water or applying dry cold packs may reduce pain, depending on the type of jellyfish sting.  Keep any puncture wounds clean and dry to avoid them getting infected.

More severe symptoms can include: severe pain, long lasting pain, swelling of the affected area, significant and long-lasting skin reactions. Serious sting reactions which require urgent medical attention


What not to do?

Don’t rub the area.  Don’t rinse with fresh water. Use sea water.  Don’t urinate (pee) on the sting. Don’t use vinegar for the types of jellyfish stings that might happen in Ireland.  Don’t use alcohol. Don’t put on a tight bandage. 

The bathing season runs from the first Saturday in June to 31st August each year and is extended to cover the first 2 weekends in September for Blue Flag Beaches.

Toilets on beaches are seasonal and as such are only open for the bathing season from June to end of August, except for 4 locations that are open all year round:

2 in Skerries

1 in Balbriggan

1 in Rush Harbour

Click here for our FInd a Beach page.


Please contact:  [email protected] for further information.

This differs from cemetery to cemetery – mostly 2 and 3 burials but part of St Fintans (Sutton) take 4 coffins.

As many as you wish.

Engage a monumental sculptor/stone mason who in turn will apply on your behalf. 

The sculptor/mason constructs foundation if one not already in place.

Fingal County Council does not have any role in this, it is up to the family to arrange themselves.

Up to family to contact Grave maintenance company, Fingal County Council don’t offer such a service.

Please contact the Cemetery Office.

Please contact [email protected] for further information.

Click here for our Cemeteries Provision and Maintenance page.