Dublin Airport aircraft noise contours for 2023 published

ANCA Contours_graphic

The aircraft noise contours for 2023 have been published on the ANCA website. 2023 was the first full year of aircraft operations at Dublin Airport since the new north runway came into operation. There were operational airspace changes made in February 2023 and the noise impact on surrounding communities of these changes are captured within the contours. The contours represent an annual average of aircraft noise as required by legislation for both the night-time and day-evening-night periods. There is information on the ANCA website that explains why maps are prepared in this way.

A link to the Dublin Airport WebTrak public web portal that provides information on the impact of individual aircraft events is available on the ANCA website.

Eligibility maps for home insulation and voluntary property purchase schemes can also be examined at this location by turning on the relevant layers.

Click here to access the maps.