Appropriate Assessment to begin: Screening Determination. 18 August 2021

ANCA is proceeding to undertake Appropriate Assessment in respect of a Noise Abatement Objective and Regulatory Decision arising from an assessment of the noise situation resulting from planning application F20A/0668.

ANCA is proceeding to undertake Appropriate Assessment in respect of a Noise Abatement Objective and Regulatory Decision arising from an assessment of the noise situation resulting from planning application F20A/0668.

An Appropriate Assessment is a consideration of the possible nature conservation implications that a policy, plan or programme has on Natura 2000 sites. These are sites of highest biodiversity importance for rare and threatened habitats and species that occur across the European Union. They are comprised of areas known as Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and Special Areas of Conservations (SACs).

When this Appropriate Assessment has been completed, ANCA will invite the opinion of the general public on the resulting Natura Impact Statement.

You can view the full public notice here

You can read the Record of the Chief Executive’s Order and the full AA Screening Determination here