2022 Aircraft noise exposure contour maps now available

People looking at map on laptop screen

ANCA has published aircraft noise exposure contour maps for 2022. The maps show the noise exposure impact in the communities around Dublin Airport, and these can be compared for each year since 2019. Environmental noise legislation requires contour maps to be prepared in a standard format across the European Union. This format includes separate contour maps for both the night-time period and the (weighted) day-evening-night period for aircraft noise as averaged across a full calendar year.  There is information on the Aircraft Noise section of the ANCA website that provides more detail on why aircraft noise impacts are presented in this way and what the measurement units mean.

Note: The new north parallel runway (10L/28R) opened for restricted hours from 24 August 2022.  The impact of this runway on the full-year contours is therefore limited.

Eligibility maps for home insulation measures can also be examined at this location.

Click here to view maps.