Fingal Libraries Latest Online Service for Kids - LOTE

Fingal Libraries are delighted to bring to you our latest new eServices offering – LOTE Online for Kids – Storytime in your language.

Storytime is a wonderful opportunity to bond with your child and enjoy precious moments full of fun and adventure as a world of possibilities opens up through the magic of words. Such occasions nurture curiosity and imagination, encouraging a love for books and reading while developing your child’s literacy skills. And what an exciting and powerful way to engage your child in the joys and opportunities that come with learning a new language!

And now it’s never been easier! Fingal Libraries invites you to explore our brand-new online language-learning resource for children – LOTE Online for Kids. LOTE stands for Languages Other Than English, and this online database offers you 1500+ digital picture books in an incredible 50+ world languages, all with English translations to help develop multilingual reading and listening skills. From children’s classics to regional favourites, we are certain you will find an abundance of stories to make language learning a captivating and eagerly awaited activity in your home. Plus, we are sure you will agree that this easy-to-follow, child-friendly service is simple and fun, even for the youngest learners in your household!

LOTE Online for Kids also offers a selection of English-only books with Australian, US and UK accents, so your child can become familiar with different pronunciation and intonation.

New books and languages are released each month, so remember to stay tuned!

Accessing books on LOTE Online for Kids couldn’t be easier. Just sign in at, enter your library card number and click “Submit Query”. Then select your desired language and browse the many titles available.

You are also given the option to change your user interface language, making this inclusive service even more tailored to your needs.

Here in Fingal Libraries, we are proud to be home to a diverse multinational population – we celebrate difference and embrace inclusion. With over 50 international languages offered through our new storytime resource, we hope to make storytime and language learning effortless and entertaining in your home.
- Laura Flanagan-Riner
Access LOTE Online for Kids
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Other useful resources provided to you by Fingal Libraries:
Language learning – Transparent Language Online
A complete language-learning solution offering you 110+ languages from which to choose.

Multilingual Storytime
Multilingual Storytelling videos on Fingal Libraries YouTube channel