Concerts in the Castle

Both concerts are now sold out

Both of our concerts in Swords Castle at the end of this month have now sold out. 

Check: for any resale tickets that may become available.

For more information on the Gold line up we're having to help you Dance with Everybody go to: 

Nathan Carter: (SOLD OUT)

Martin Kemp:… (SOLD OUT)

Please be advised that Swords Castle will be closed from 25/07/23 to 31/07/23 due to preparation works and for the upcoming concerts in the castle and will re-open to the public on the 1st August 23.

Concerts in the Castle

Car parking is available at Seatown car park from Friday 4:30pm-11:30pm and Saturday & Sunday 9am-11:30pm.

Please note that only alcohol purchased in Swords Castle can be consumed at the event, as bag checks will be conducted upon arrival. 

Don't forget to dress for the weather and join us in the open air at Swords Castle and wear comfortable footwear to dance all night!