Section 254 Licences

Development Management

Section 254 Licences

Section 254 Licence - appliances, cables, signs or other items on public roads.

What requires a licence?

You will need a licence from a planning authority to place the following items or equipment on, under, over or along a public road:

  • a vending machine,
  • a town or landscape map for indicating directions or places,
  • a fence, scaffold or hoarding,
  • an advertisement structure,
  • a cable, wire or pipeline,
  • over ground electronic communications infrastructure and any associated physical infrastructure,
  • a telephone kiosk or pedestal.
  • any other appliance, apparatus or structure specified in regulations made by the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government or by an Act of the Oireachtas that requires a licence.

The planning authority may grant a licence for a specified period and subject to conditions. Where in the opinion of the planning authority that due to the:

  • Increase or alteration of traffic on the road
  • Widening of the road
  • Any improvement to the road
  • The appliance, apparatus or structure causes an obstruction or becomes dangerous, the authority may by notice in writing, withdraw the licence and require the licencee to remove the appliance, apparatus or structure at their own expense.


What will the Planning Authority consider?

In considering the licence application, the Planning Authority must consider:

  • The proper planning and sustainable development of the area,
  • Any relevant parts of the development plan or the local area plan,
  • The number and location of existing appliances, apparatuses or structures on, under, over or along the public road.
  • The convenience and safety of road users including pedestrians.

How do I Apply?

To apply for a Licence, you will need to complete the application form ( Section 254 Application Form ) and submit it to the planning authority along with:

  • A Site Location Map - 1/2500 scale. (4 no. copies)
  • A Site Layout Plan showing location of proposed appliance(s)/apparatus(s)/structure(s). (4 no. copies)
  • Drawing(s) to scale of proposed appliance(s)/apparatus(s)/structure(s). (4 no. copies) and associated plans, elevations and photomontages detailing the proposed installation/ structure.
  • The appropriate Licence Fee.
  • Copy of Insurance Confirmation indemnifying Fingal County Council against claims arising out of any accidents to persons or property.
  • Written legal consent of the landowner.



In the event these works require a Road Opening Licence from the Local Authority, please apply for a ROL using the MapRoad Licencing System:

You must include the Section 254 licence reference number in your online application. Applicants are reminded to ensure that all relevant Section 254 licence conditions are complied with prior to commencing development.”



Where can I see the Section 254 Licences within the County?

Applications for Section 254 Licences are available to view on our weekly list here:

Weekly Lists


You can view all applications for Section 254 Licences here:

View Section 254 Licence Applications


Can I Appeal the Planning Authority Decision?

Under Section 254 (6) (a), the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) any person may, in relation to the granting, refusing, withdrawing or continuing of a licence under this section or to the conditions specified by the planning authority for such a licence, appeal to An Bord Pleanála.